UUCV Safety Survey 2019
The Safe Congregation Team is charged with improving safety policies and procedures for UUCV. We want to prevent emergencies when possible and minimize harm. But we need your help! This short survey will give us a sense of who is able and willing to help in different ways. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at safeuucv@gmail.com.
required 1) First and Last Name:

required 2) Do you have up to date CPR/AED training? (This training is generally certified through the American Heart Association and good for two years)

required 3) Do you have first aid or medical training? If yes, please describe.

required 4) Do you or your child carry an EpiPen or other epinephrin injector? (Knowing who has serious allergies can help us respond to signs of exposure more quickly)

required 5) We are putting together a team of unofficial "Fire Marshals" to help in the event of an emergency in the building. Fire Marshals would help folks evacuate safely and get annual training on using fire extinguishers and safety equipment (no other time commitment required). Are you willing and able to help in this capacity?

required 6) Our policy in religious education programming is to have two adults who have completed PA background clearances in the nursery and elementary classroom. On rare Sunday mornings, an RE volunteer/worker is sick or cannot come, and we don't have enough adults to cover both rooms. Would you be willing to get background clearances to serve as a backup in these circumstances? (Note: no teaching or preparation required).

7) (Optional) Please share other thoughts or questions you have about safety at UUCV.

required Please provide your email