NAJC Heritage Committee Survey 2015
Please complete our heritage survey. The results of this survey will be made publicly accessible.
1) What is the official name of your organization?

2) When was your organization formed?

3) Does your organization employ any paid staff? If yes, how many?

4) What are the major sources of funding for your organization? Please check all that apply.

5) Does your organization produce a newsletter for the community? If yes, how frequently is the newsletter published? Does your organization keep copies of the newsletters that it produces, either in hard copy or electronic format?

6) Does your organization have a website? If yes, please provide the url(s) for your website(s).

7) Does your organization have a heritage or history committee? If yes, please provide their name and contact information.

8) Please identify partners your organization has collaborated with in the past 5 years. Please check all that apply.

9) What types of heritage and/or cultural projects does your organization pursue when collaborating with other organizations? Please check all that apply.

10) In the past 5 years, which of the following heritage and education activities has your organization pursued? Please check all that apply.

11) Which of the following heritage and education activities does your organization plan to complete in the next 5 years? Please check all that apply.

12) What are your top three heritage projects for the next two years?

13) Has your organization published any books or publications (online or print) relating to your community’s history or heritage? If yes, please provide the name of the publication, year of publication (if available), and url link (if available).

14) Do you actively collect and/or accept donations of heritage items and/or archival materials?

15) Does your organization possess any of the following heritage items? Please check all that apply.

16) If your organization possess any of the above heritage items, please describe the storage environment. Would you rate the storage as poor, fair, good, and/or excellent?

17) If your organization has undertaken oral history projects, how many recordings were created?

18) What condition are the oral history recordings in? E.g. poor, fair, good, excellent

19) What format are the oral history recordings in? Please check all that apply.

20) Where are the oral history recordings currently stored and is it a secure/safe location?

21) Are the oral history recordings accessible to the community, researchers, and/or the public?

22) If you were unable to complete the oral history questions, please provide the name and contact information of an individual who can help answer the questions in more detail.

23) Please provide the name(s) of the respondent(s) who completed this survey.

24) Please provide the respondent's email address.

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