JPFreek Adventure Magazine Reader Survey
JPFreek Adventure Magazine is trying to learn more about our readers. Please help us by spending a few minutes answering the following questions. Random responses will be rewarded with a JPFreek decal.
required 1) Are you male or female?

2) Are you single, married, or married with children?

required 3) What is your annual household income?

required 4) Where are you located?

required 5) How long have you owned your Jeep vehicle?

required 6) In the past year, how much money have you spent on modifying your Jeep vehicle?

required 7) What type(s) of modifications have you made to your Jeep vehicle?

required 8) Do you use your Jeep vehicle strictly as a daily driver, for 4x4 travel, or a combination of the two?

required 9) How frequently do you use your Jeep vehicle for 4x4 travel?

required 10) Is most of your Jeep travel done domestically (in the United States) or abroad (outside the United States)?

required 11) In addition to 4x4 travel, do you use your vehicle to access destinations for outdoor recreation (i.e. mountain biking, kayaking, rock climbing, etc)?

required 12) If you answered "Yes" to using your Jeep vehicle to access remote areas for outdoor recreation, what kind of outdoor recreation do you enjoy?

required 13) In the past year, what kind of outdoor recreation products have you purchased?

required 14) How frequently do you enjoy outdoor recreation?

required 15) What do you like about JPFreek Adventure Magazine?

required 16) What type(s) of articles would you like to see more of?

required 17) How do you read JPFreek Adventure Magazine?

required 18) Would you like to see an iPhone and/or Android app of JPFreek Adventure Magazine and its content?

required 19) Is your overall experience with the JPFreek website and the magazine a pleasant one?

20) Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve the delivery of JPFreek Adventure Magazine? If so, please list it here.

21) In appreciation of your time, we will randomly select survey responses to send a JPFreek decal. If interested, please provide your email address so we can contact you regarding where to send a decal.

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